Security and Safety Guidlines

KNUST has its own private security service.  Security personnel are located at various vantage points across campus all day and night to ensure the safety of all members of the University community. The mission of the KNUST Security Service is to maintain a safe and secure campus by providing quality policing.  To ensure maximum safety however, the University community also has a role to play.

General Security Situation

Kumasi and specifically KNUST Campus is a very peaceful and calm city/campus. However, some criminals might capitalise on some students’ innocence, negligence, and vulnerability to perpetrate their criminal activities. General security threats that students might encounter includes theft, robbery, burglary, and fraud. The Security and Public Safety tips enumerated below if complied with may significantly reduce these threats.

Basic security and safety precautions and tips

1.    Outdoor Security/Safety Precautions and Tips

  • Avoid walking in the dark, or near bushy and isolated areas whether lit or otherwise.
  • Avoid using shortcuts/footpaths that are obviously unsafe.
  • As much as practicable avoid talking to strangers.
  • If you are attacked by armed robbers, don’t try to fight back. Obey their instructions to save your life.

2.   Security/Safety Precautions in Residential Facilities (Halls and Hostels)

  • Never leave your door unlocked whether out for a few minutes and other activities or sleeping.
  • Always deposit your door keys at the Hall/Hostel Assistants’ lodge.
  • Do not keep your keys under door mats, flower pots or any unsafe location.
  • Report immediately to the Hall/Hostel Assistants of any missing door key or any suspected compromise of your door locks.
  • Do not use keys of other rooms to open your door even if that is possible.  You may compromise your room security.
  • Report immediately to the Hall/Hostel Assistants if you detect that your room could be accessed by other unauthorised persons without your key.

3.   Security/Safety Precautions at Bus Stops/Car Parks and On-Board Vehicles

  • Avoid isolated bus stops on or off-campus.
  • As much as possible, look for and board campus embossed taxicabs or shuttles to reduce your vulnerability to attacks.
  • Decline the service of a suspicious driver as well as passengers on-board a taxicab or any commercial vehicle.
  • Take note of the registration number and some easily identifiable features of any unknown vehicle you want to board. Try and also board in pairs or groups.
  • Don’t open your bag, wallet or purse whiles boarding or on board a commercial vehicle. Always keep your valuables intact in your bag or wallet and hold them throughout the journey.
  • As much as possible carry very little physical money on you when out and about.
  • Park your cars in designated parking lots or well-lit areas on campus and off-campus.
  • When parking, look out for any suspicious persons loitering around and immediately alert the nearest security officer.
  • Keep your valuables out of sight in your car. As much as possible lock up your valuables in the boot/trunk of your car when need be. 
  • Always keep your car windows rolled up and doors locked after entering or leaving your car. Always check your back seat before entering your car.
  • If you suspect being trailed by another car, don’t drive to your hall/hostel. Drive straight to a nearby security post, fuel station or a Police Station.

4.   Fire Safety Precautions and Tips

  • Do not smoke in your rooms.
  • Do not overload electrical circuits, extension boards, and sockets with many electrical attachments.
  • Turn off gas or electrical cooker immediately after using it.
  • Switch off all electrical appliances and remove the plugs from the wall when not in use.
  • Do not place mosquito coils or candles close to flammable substances.

Important Security/Emergency Contacts Numbers

Talk to any security personnel near you for assistance and report all crimes or violent situations that threaten your life to the Security Office.

Office Locations:

Headquarters at Faculty Area (L. I. Andoh Block) and Main Office near the KNUST Hospital. Get directions

Important Telephone Numbers:

KNUST Security Hotlines - 050 1347350 / 050 1347352

KNUST Police No. - 0322 060357

Police Information Room - 0322 022323

Ghana National Fire Service - 192/112

KNUST Fire Station - 0322 392292